Source code for minizinc.solver

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import contextlib
import json
import os
import tempfile
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import minizinc

[docs]@dataclass class Solver: """The representation of a MiniZinc solver configuration in MiniZinc Python. Attributes: name (str): The name of the solver. version (str): The version of the solver. id (str): A unique identifier for the solver, “reverse domain name” notation. executable (Optional[str]): The executable for this solver that can run FlatZinc files. This can be just a file name (in which case the solver has to be on the current ``$PATH``), or an absolute path to the executable, or a relative path (which is interpreted relative to the location of the configuration file). This attribute is set to ``None`` if the solver is integrated into MiniZinc. mznlib (str): The solver-specific library of global constraints and redefinitions. This should be the name of a directory (either an absolute path or a relative path, interpreted relative to the location of the configuration file). For solvers whose libraries are installed in the same location as the MiniZinc standard library, this can also take the form -G, e.g., -Ggecode (this is mostly the case for solvers that ship with the MiniZinc binary distribution). mznlibVersion (int): *Currently undocumented in the MiniZinc documentation.* description (str): *Currently undocumented in the MiniZinc documentation.* tags (List[str]): Each solver can have one or more tags that describe its features in an abstract way. Tags can be used for selecting a solver using the --solver option. There is no fixed list of tags, however we recommend using the following tags if they match the solver’s behaviour: - ``cp``: for Constraint Programming solvers - ``mip``: for Mixed Integer Programming solvers - ``float``: for solvers that support float variables - ``api``: for solvers that use the internal C++ API stdFlags (List[str]): Which of the standard solver command line flags are supported by this solver. The standard flags are ``-a``, ``-n``, ``-s``, ``-v``, ``-p``, ``-r``, ``-f``. extraFlags (List[Tuple[str,str,str,str]]): Extra command line flags supported by the solver. Each entry must be a tuple of four strings. The first string is the name of the option (e.g. ``--special-algorithm``). The second string is a description that can be used to generate help output (e.g. "which special algorithm to use"). The third string specifies the type of the argument (``int``, ``bool``, ``float`` or ``string``). The fourth string is the default value. requiredFlags (List[str]): *Currently undocumented in the MiniZinc documentation.* supportsMzn (bool): Whether the solver can run MiniZinc directly (i.e., it implements its own compilation or interpretation of the model). supportsFzn (bool): Whether the solver can run FlatZinc. This should be the case for most solvers. supportsNL (bool): Whether the solver conforms to the AMPL NL standard. The NL format is used if ``supportsFZN`` is ``False``. needsSolns2Out (bool): Whether the output of the solver needs to be passed through the MiniZinc output processor. needsMznExecutable (bool): Whether the solver needs to know the location of the MiniZinc executable. If true, it will be passed to the solver using the ``mzn-executable`` option. needsStdlibDir (bool): Whether the solver needs to know the location of the MiniZinc standard library directory. If true, it will be passed to the solver using the ``stdlib-dir`` option. needsPathsFile (bool): *Currently undocumented in the MiniZinc documentation.* isGUIApplication (bool): Whether the solver has its own graphical user interface, which means that MiniZinc will detach from the process and not wait for it to finish or to produce any output. _identifier (Optional[str]): A string to specify the solver to MiniZinc driver. If set to None, then a solver configuration file should be generated. """ name: str version: str id: str executable: Optional[str] = None mznlib: str = "" mznlibVersion: int = 1 description: str = "" tags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) stdFlags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) extraFlags: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str]] = field(default_factory=list) requiredFlags: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) inputType: str = "FZN" supportsMzn: bool = False supportsFzn: bool = True supportsNL: bool = False needsSolns2Out: bool = False needsMznExecutable: bool = False needsStdlibDir: bool = False needsPathsFile: bool = False isGUIApplication: bool = False _identifier: Optional[str] = None
[docs] @classmethod def lookup(cls, tag: str, driver=None, refresh=False): """Lookup a solver configuration in the driver registry. Access the MiniZinc driver's known solver configuration and find the configuation matching the given tag. Tags are matched in similar to ``minizinc --solver tag``. The order of solver configuration attributes that are considered is: full id, id ending, tags. Args: tag (str): tag (or id) of a solver configuration to look up. driver (Driver): driver which registry will be searched for the solver. If set to None, then ``default_driver`` will be used. refresh (bool): Forces the driver to refresh the cache of available solvers. Returns: Solver: MiniZinc solver configuration compatible with the driver. Raises: LookupError: No configuration could be located with the given tag. """ if driver is None: driver = minizinc.default_driver assert driver is not None tag_map = driver.available_solvers(refresh) if tag not in tag_map or len(tag_map[tag]) < 1: raise LookupError( f"No solver id or tag '{tag}' found, available options: " f"{sorted(tag_map.keys())}" ) return tag_map[tag][0]
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, path: Path): """Loads a solver configuration from a file. Load solver configuration from a MiniZinc solver configuration given by the file on the given location. Args: path (str): location to the solver configuration file to be loaded. Returns: Solver: MiniZinc solver configuration compatible with the driver. Raises: FileNotFoundError: Solver configuration file not found. ValueError: File contains an invalid solver configuration. """ if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError solver = json.loads(path.read_bytes()) # Resolve relative paths for key in ["executable", "mznlib"]: if key in solver: p = Path(solver[key]) if not p.is_absolute(): p = path.parent / p if p.exists(): solver[key] = str(p.resolve()) solver = cls(**solver) solver._identifier = str(path.resolve()) return solver
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def configuration(self) -> Iterator[str]: """Gives the identifier for the current solver configuration. Gives an identifier argument that can be used by a CLIDriver to identify the solver configuration. If the configuration was loaded using the driver and is thus already known, then the identifier will be yielded. If the configuration was changed or started from scratch, the configuration will be saved to a file and it will yield the name of the file. Yields: str: solver identifier to be used for the ``--solver <id>`` flag. """ try: file = None if self._identifier is not None: yield self._identifier else: file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix="minizinc_solver_", suffix=".msc", delete=False ) file.write(self.output_configuration().encode()) file.close() yield finally: if file is not None: os.remove(
[docs] def output_configuration(self) -> str: """Formulates a valid JSON specification for the Solver Formulates a JSON specification of the solver configuration meant to be used by MiniZinc. When stored in a ``.msc`` file it can be used directly as a argument to the ``--solver`` flag or stored on the MiniZinc solver configuration path. In the latter case it will be usable directly from the executable and visible when in ``minizinc --solvers``. Returns: str: JSON string containing the solver specification that can be read by MiniZinc """ return json.dumps( { # TODO: Output inputType flag when fully supported "name":, "version": self.version, "id":, "executable": self.executable, "mznlib": self.mznlib, "tags": self.tags, "stdFlags": self.stdFlags, "extraFlags": self.extraFlags, "supportsMzn": self.supportsMzn, "supportsFzn": self.supportsFzn, "needsSolns2Out": self.needsSolns2Out, "needsMznExecutable": self.needsMznExecutable, "needsStdlibDir": self.needsStdlibDir, "isGUIApplication": self.isGUIApplication, }, sort_keys=True, indent=4, )
def __setattr__(self, key, value): if ( key in [ "version", "executable", "mznlib", "tags", "stdFlags", "extraFlags", "inputType", "supportsMzn", "supportsFzn", "needsSolns2Out", "needsMznExecutable", "needsStdlibDir", "isGUIApplication", ] and getattr(self, key, None) is not value ): self._identifier = None return super().__setattr__(key, value)